Thursday, February 16, 2012

CB Radio usage in Washington State and are they legal?

With the cell phone law in place, does that mean hand held devices such as the reciever to a CB Radio are illegal as well? Also if legal, are they completely illegal to drivers with an intermediate lisence?CB Radio usage in Washington State and are they legal?
CB radios are LEGAL in every state. Some states tried to ban the use of them while driving, but the FCC would not let them. They are considered a safety device in your vehicle. There is a huge difference between talking on a cell phone and talking on a cb. As far as having an intermediate license.... for that reason your state might restrict the use of a cb. Once you get your regular license you will be ok. Check with your local motor vehicle department about the use of a cb with an intermediate license.CB Radio usage in Washington State and are they legal?
Please research the laws in your state. The website for the legal system in your specific location is the best bet.

Chnaces Are CB radios are illegal. Only Amater radio operators as a whole are granted a waiver, as well as those who use a radio in the performance of their jobs, with a radio issued by their companies.CB Radio usage in Washington State and are they legal?
Well, I drove around Washington at age 16 with a CB radio.. and that was not that long ago

I say screw the laws.

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