Friday, February 3, 2012

How do you dry leather motorcycle gloves quickly?

alpinestars sps gloves with carbonfiber knuckle protectorsHow do you dry leather motorcycle gloves quickly?
I agree that heat should be avoided, it can shrink and crack the leather. Another good option before turning on the fan would be putting the gloves between two towels and blot as much of the moisture out as possible.

Once they're dry, it's a good idea to use a leather conditioner to reduce any negative effects of the gloves getting wet.
Let them dry on their own or in front of a fan.

You should have more than one pair of gloves, for circumstances such as this. I personally have 3 sets of gloves.How do you dry leather motorcycle gloves quickly?
All above are good answers except wearing them. Your hands will freeze.

In other words, you CAN'T dry leather quickly. That will ruin your gloves.
I don't think there is a quick way to dry any leather,It is best to let them air dry and then use a good leather conditoner to keep them softHow do you dry leather motorcycle gloves quickly?
Some hair dryers have a cool or 'no heat' setting, so that would probably work well...
let em air dry on yer hands while riding. you will be suprised how comfortable they get after you do this.
Either put them in the dryer and set it to dry with no heat or put them in front of a fan. Never dry leather with heat, only moving air.

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